Friday, August 23, 2013

i'm pregnant!

Ramai yang terkejut and excited bila mendapat berita yang saya sudah mengandung
At the same time, saya juga sangat terkejut sampai blank.@@!
haha! bukan sbb apa... memang me n husband planning for baby
but it comes so fast n furious.
rezeki Allah. Alhamdulillah!!!
how it happened?


kami kahwin x sampai sebulan and i started to feel something wrong.

1) i can feel i'm shaking left n right everytime bangun sujud/walking
2) tired and dizzy (or maybe i'm lazy?) hehe
3) naik flight g honeymoon seriously not feeling well (b4 this ok je)
4) susah bernafas
5) period x dtg right after get married
6) instinct of a mother, i have a baby inside.

When i first told my husband that i might be pregnant, he was super duper excited like a small kid get his sweets. haha!
Then, we bought pregnancy test and the result was super blur, 
kabur sangat sampai x jelas 2nd line tu. 

Hmm, a little bit disappointed but my husband said:
dia yakin, yakin saya dah pregnant.
risau gak sbb dia yakin sgt, ti kecewa plak. huhu~

i insist to check and scan for confirmation in clinic,
but it's too early, scan pun x nampak pape, bazir je~
just like i went to klinik kesihatan putrajaya, nurse pun x bg scan sbb dia confirm x akn nampak pape...haih!

"doktor, confirm x saya mengandung? berapa minggu da?"
"ye puan, x silap lebih kurang 6minggu."
"6minggu? biar betul, saya kahwin x sampai sebulan lah!"
"puan, kita kena kira dari last period iaitu sblm puan kahwin tu."
"har? betul ke?ade ke kira mcmtu?baik scan confirm dlu."
"x boleh lah puan, awal lg...mmg kira mcmtu puan (air muka berubah)"

(bukan x nk percaya, tp sbb y check tu hanya nurse bkn doktor, susah nk caya professionality dia. Balik marah2, bila on9 search bru tau nurse tu sbnrnya betul. sorry lah eh! =P)

last2, nurse pun x bgtau exactly saya da mengandung,
plus,saya x caye kiraan nurse. 
So, bertambah kecewa, cm xade je dlm perut ni.
balik rumah bila mak mertua tanya, x berani nk jwb gak...sbb takot sume org kecewa~

Lastly, xmau lah pkr byk....apa kata g enjoy honeymoon dlu!? hehe

During the time in Bali, everything goes smoothly 
until we passby M Mart (7-11 in M'sia)
Sbb duit rupiah kn, everything murah, haha! 
So we plan to buy another pregnancy test at here. (jimat!)


Alhamdulillah!! x sabar nak balik Malaysia and hv checkup.
Husband pun excited terus Tango call family mertua. haha!
at least.... the 2nd line very obvious!!

Indirectly, this is a 3 person honeymoon trip! :D

Back to putrajaya, i had my 1st check up at private clinic,
and this is what i got :::

yes... this is our baby, inshaAllah!!!

Rasa nk nanges bile doktor scan, terharu esp when i saw the baby is moving,kicking, waving hands like saying 'hi,mommy' !!
and i can see obviously his heartbeat!!dupp dupp dupp!
i asked doktor a stupid question: kenapa jantung dia kt luar!??"
haha, sbb baby ni belum completely bentuk lg lah!
(tp seriously rugi sbb the papa cant see this himself! huhu!)

Well, husband said this is what Malay called 'Bunting pelamin'
oooh, whatever lah...i only know this is the biggest rezeki.

entering the 2nd stage of life, hope everything goes smoothly.


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